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Upon doing my observation to my Cooperating Teacher, Mr. Suganjar Ashori, M. Pd, I learned a lot of things.



      As I have observed my cooperating teacher, I noticed that he used the traditional way of teaching with the use of pen and board. Meaning to say, he did not use any power point presentation at all. Since his topic is about basic adjectives, he just wrote some drawings and example on the board and explained it to the class. He actually handled the class effectively since they do not have any language barrier at all.

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      The learning materials that used by my cooperating teacher is the book or manual that they use in daily lesson. What I have observed there is that, even the students have the same book with their teaching including the worksheets and activities that are in the book. It would be easier for the students to follow the lessons since they have the book with them.


       The sources of learning and technology that I have observed in the class, actually in all classes, is that, they have projectors and speaker every classroom. Even the HDMI or VGA is definitely provided, that is why, when I was starting teaching in my class, it became easier for me since the school is very hands on and at the same time, accommodating. The projector and speakers help me so much especially in executing my lesson well. The students tend to become more interested when they watch some video clips in big screen and also it they can listen well to what they are watching.


The assessment that is being used by my cooperating teacher is, one for asking questions and second is the group activity. I have seen that my cooperating teacher found a way to effectively assess his students and that is asking questions. He asked questions to each other according to their topic and also, in that way, he encouraged the students to speak and boost confidence as well. Second is the group activity, he asked the students to form a group and do the activity about their topic.

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