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     The Profile of Khadijah Middle School



            Khadijah Surabaya Middle School is more than 50 years old. This school, was founded by Nahdlatul Ulama with the Education Institute Ma'arif NU and NU Muslimat Surabaya Branch. Khadijah Middle School is an Islamic private junior high school which is not only known by the people of Surabaya, but Muslim communities in almost all cities in East Java, Central Java, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Sumatra and even once students came from Singapore, Malaysia, Suriname, Quwait and Saudi Arabia. This school is "A" Accredited, located at the entrance to Surabaya, Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 2-4 Surabaya. Precisely next to Wonokromo Hospital, Surabaya.


             In addition to preparing students for quality junior high school graduates in general, specifically providing sufficient knowledge of Islam such as being able to read the Koran, memorizing short letters, accustomed to reading tahlil, love to recite the Prophet's prayer, dzikir and istighosah, can speak Arabic and English for daily communication and can carry out the daily religious practice correctly according to the teachings of Ahlu as-Sunnah Wa al-Jama'ah 'ala Nahdlatul al-'Ulama'.


Vision, Mission & Objectives


1. Vision:


"Realization of Competitive and Noble Indonesian Human Resources."


Vision indicator:


  1. Able to compete with graduates who are equal to continue / be accepted at a higher level of education

  2. Able to think actively, creatively and skillfully in solving problems

  3. Have skills, non-academic skills according to their talents and interests

  4. Have firm faith and practice the teachings of Islam correctly and consequently

  5. Can be an example of friends and society



2. Mission:


To achieve the above vision the mission is developed as follows:


  1. Organizing education effectively so students develop optimally.

  2. Organizing learning to develop the ability to think actively, creatively and actively in solving problems.

  3. Organizing self-development so students can develop according to their talents and interests.

  4. Developing religious environment and behavior so students can practice and live the teachings of religion in a real way.

  5. Developing commendable behavior and real practice so students can be role models for friends and society.



3. Purpose:


Based on the vision, mission above, the Middle School Khadijah formulated the following objectives


  1. Implementing the 2013 curriculum using a scientivic approach and developing models outside the Khadijah junior high school

  2. Project based learning learning, Discovery learning, Problem based learning in teacher learning devices

  3. Obtain UN scores with a minimum average of the following:

    • Indonesian: 8,20

    • Mathematics: 7.50

    • Natural Sciences: 8.00

    • English: 7.60

  4. Has graduates who are ranked in the top ten with an average UN score in the City of Surabaya / East Java

  5. Use IT facilities to develop potential students

  6. Produce and publish products (projects) from learning activities on all subjects

  7. Able to communicate daily language with foreign languages ​​(Arabic / English)

  8. Developing potential talents of interest in students with extracurricular programs

  9. Obtain achievements in the competition

  10. Reading the Qur'an with tartil and being able to memorize the chosen letters as stated in the KPI book (Exhaustion of Worship Application)

  11. Judgment in maintaining his beliefs and beliefs

  12. Become a priest / makmum in the practice of amaliyah nahdiyah (diba ', tahlil, istighotsah)

  13. Carrying out da'wah maal with collecting social funds and baitul mal from the rest of pocket money as a form of empathy for others

  14. Develop 4S culture (Smile, Sapa, Greetings, Salim)

  15. Develop tawasuth, tawazun, tasamuh and i’tidal characters

  16. Optimizing the functions of Language, Computer, Religion and Science-Mathematics laboratories


The Facilities :


  1. Own School Building

  2. Islamic Boarding Schools

  3. air-conditioned study rooms

  4. Multimedia Rooms

  5. Science Laboratory

  6. Language Laboratory

  7. Computer & Internet Laboratories

  8. Library

  9. School Health Unit

  10. School Mosques

  11. Basketball Court

  12. Volleyball Fields

  13. Futsal Field



The Library in SMP Khadijah, Surabaya together with the Computer Library are the main support system of the school especially when the teachers and students need to have effective and reliable resources and support for their teaching and learning.


Normally, the class starts at 7;30AM in SMP Khadijah, Surabaya and ends at 4:00PM. The clss in the the school is started from Monday to Saturday but they do not have classes for Friday because they save the day as extra curricular day.
   Usually, the teachers give activities, quizzes, recitation and so on. It depends upon the teacher if how he or she handles the teaching system.


The materials and learning sources of the school, aside from the library and computer laboratory, they also have projector and speakers in every classroom. It would be easier for the teachers to teach the students since they have many materials and technology to use.


The grades of the students are simply measured and evaluated through the outcomes of their quizzes, group and individual activity, performance activity, recitation, seat work, and the examinations at the end of the period.


       In relation to the Islamic education curriculum, the principles and values ​​in the Qur'an form the basis and spirit of that curriculum. Therefore, the substance of knowledge, values ​​and the skills included in the Islamic education curriculum are knowledge, values ​​and skills that are built on the foundation faith. 
        The main functions of the education curriculum Islam is transforming the value of knowledge and skills into the feelings (spiritual) and minds of students, so that the internalization of faith is created by students which can eventually be actualized into various life activities. Based on the internalization of faith, students will provide undoubted moral strength in various activities carried out, so that students are able to animate their presence bound to God's goodness. In the teachings of Islam consciousness can be rooted in faith give strong motivation to give birth to good deeds which in the world of education are realized through educational and learning activities. Faith is manifested in the form of an "outward mode" show how humans always communicate with nature continuously as a result and the existence of a "contract of faith" to Allah SWT. All patterns and systems of life originate from ethical patterns and systems (morals) as described through the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad throughout his life. The source of this curriculum is Alqur’an and Al Sunnah.



The teaching plan I always prepare in class consists of the following:
I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
     - Topic
     - References
III. Teaching Strategies
    - Preparation
    - Routinary Activities
    - Review
    - Motivation
    - Lesson Proper
    - Generalization
    - Application 
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

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